David Ginola’s ‘secret lovechild’ says she feels abandoned for second time

David Ginola has been accused of shunning his alleged lovechild for a second time.

The former Newcastle and Tottenham hero allegedly conceived Joy Pinquier during a fling in 1991 while playing for Brest, but didn’t meet his daughter her until she was 28. Ginola is said to have initially agreed to see Joy after she contacted him via Instagram.

To her surprise, he replied, with the pair having a long phone call and exchanging Whatsapp messages, according to Joy. They then met for the first time while Ginola was visiting friends in her home city of Marseille.

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“He looked me up and down and said, ‘Yes, you are a real Ginola.’ I replied, ‘Why did you ever doubt it?’ she told The Sun. “He took me in his arms and embraced me and it was a very special moment. I had tears in my eyes because it was the hug I had always dreamed of having with my dad. We talked for about an hour and it felt like we were connecting.”

However, it proved to be a one-off meeting, according to Joy, who feels she has been shunned by her alleged biological father for a second time.

“He kept saying we would go to a restaurant to get to know each other better but, 18 months later, I still haven’t seen him,” she claimed.. “Now I realise that he never had any interest in being my father, he was just being polite. It’s a horrible thing to say, but I feel like I have been abandoned a second time.”

Ginola has two children with his ex-wife Coraline, Andrea, 31, and Carla, 28. Regarding Joy, he was reportedly refused to take a paternity test three times. But under French law he was automatically declared her father was ordered to pay £345 in child until she turned 18.

On Ginola’s alleged affair with her mother, Joy said: “Mum had no idea he was married — he must have hidden his wedding ring in his pocket. I found out that he was my dad when I was six years old.

“I remember we were playing a child’s game with a sticker album and when I came to his photo, I drew a heart on it. That’s when my mother said to me: ‘I have a secret to tell you about that man, but I will tell you about it when you are old enough to understand’.

“I said, ‘Tell me now’ and kept insisting. Eventually, she admitted he was my father. It was difficult to comprehend. I loved watching football and he was a magnificent player and such a big star in France."

Joy added how she would watch Ginola on TV all the time and be in awe of him. She described how not having him around left a "huge hole in her life," adding that she stayed with her grandparents a lot as her mother struggled raising her alone.

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“I missed my dad and I needed his love and his guidance, but he did not want to take responsibility or own up to his mistake. He started paying child support when I turned 13, but still he refused to see me and I felt his absence more and more as I got older," she claimed.

Joy concluded by revealing the "anger" and "resentment" she feels toward Ginola and how want to look him in the eye and ask him "why he treated me like he did."

Ginola did not respond to comment when contacted by the Daily Star.

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